Thursday, May 31, 2018

Garden Pests

16 Common #Garden Pests

To know about #Plant #Pest #Management, make your presence at #plantgenomics2018 conference
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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Amazing benefits of Lignin!

The waterproofing materials used on cardboard boxes and other shipping containers is some sort of petroleum-derived wax. This  compounds don’t break down naturally and said to be non-sustainable. Hence researchers at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) have developed a new waterproofing compound from entirely natural sources that is derived from plants.

Lignin is a gigantic #molecule found in most plant species and some algaes. It fills in the space between cellulose and other polysaccharides in plant cell walls.

The lignin-based waterproofing formulation is said to be bio-degradable one and henceforth it is said to be the alternate for petroleum based waterproofing materials.

To know more about Plant Substance, don't fail to make your presence on #PlantGenomics2018 conference scheduled on #October 15-16, 2018 at #London, #UK

Visit our conference website and share your views with us.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Venue: Plant Genomics 2018 Conference

Plant Genomics 2018 conference has been finalized!!

For more details,contact us :

Monday, May 28, 2018

Track 12: Tissue Culture in Plants

#Plant #tissue #culture is the technique of maintaining and #growing plant cells, tissues or #organs especially on artificial medium in suitable containers under controlled environmental conditions.
Gottlieb Haberlandt first initiated tissue culture technique in 1902.
The part which is cultured is called explant, i.e., any part of a plant taken out and grown in a test tube, under sterile conditions in special nutrient media.
The capacity to generate a whole plant from explant is called cellular toti-potency

Environmental Conditions:
(i) nutrient medium,
(ii) aseptic conditions and
(iii) aeration of the tissue
To know more about the methods by which Plant Tissue Culture is being employed, Do make your presence in the upcoming Plant Genomics 2018 Conference Scheduled on #October 15-16, 2018 at #London, #UK
Email :
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Abstract Submissions are being welcomed! :

Saturday, May 26, 2018

System of Rice Intensification(SRI)

SRI is a methodology which aims at increasing the yield of #rice produced in farming. It is a method that uses low #water, labour intensive that uses #young seedlings singly spaced and typically employs #handweeding with special #tools.
SRI concepts and practices are being adapted to #rain-fed or non-irrigated conditions. The central principles of SRI are :
  • Rice field soils should be kept moist rather than continuously saturated, minimizing anaerobic conditions, as this improves root growth and supports the growth and diversity of aerobic soil organisms.
  • Rice plants should be planted singly and spaced optimally widely to permit more growth of roots and canopy and to keep all leaves photosynthetically active.
  • Rice seedlings should be transplanted when young, less than 15 days old with just two leaves, quickly, shallow and carefully, to avoid trauma to roots and to minimize transplant shock.
To know more about based #research and #practices, Join us @PlantGenomics2018 conference at #London, #UK
#Abstracts are being welcomed now!!
Conference Website :
Abstract Submission Link :
You can directly submit it via this mail also :

Friday, May 25, 2018

Organizing Committee Member - Mr. Nicolet Jean Louis

It is our honor to have Mr.Nicolet Jean Louis as an Organizing Committee Member to our Conference #PlantGenomics2018 who is Specialist in Pepper and Squash Breeding
Join us to hear his admiring talk in our upcoming conference Plant Genomics 2018 at London, UK on October 15-16, 2018

To know more, Visit :

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Abstract Submission:

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Brochure Download- Plant Genomics 2018

#PlantGenomics2018 Conference is going to be held this #October 15-16 at London, UK, To know more about the conference and its schedule, Download the conference #Brochure via this link :
Email us for any Queries:

Monday, May 21, 2018

Plant Hormones

PlantHormones are #chemical messengers that are made in one place in the plant body and deliver their message in a totally different place in the plant body. There are many #hormones such as #Auxin, #Gibberellin, #Cytokinin, #Ethylene and #Abscisic Acid by which each hormone is responsible for each functions in plants. The #drought signalling in plants is done by Abscisic acid during the time when there is stress on water availability.
  • Plant Growth
  • Metabolism
  • Cell Growth
  • Cell Repair
To know more about Plant Hormones, Kindly make your presence in our upcoming Plant Genomics 2018 Conference.
For Registration :
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Email us:

Friday, May 18, 2018

Plant Science

#Phytology is the branch of biology that deals with the scientific study of plants. It covers wide range of scientific discipline such as structure, metabolism, growth, reproduction, development ,diseases and chemical properties, transportation and translocation of plants . The useful properties of plants and the possibilities for cultivating them are studied by plant phytology.

Do check the Updates!! ...Don't fail to make your presence at Plant Genomics 2018 Conference on October 15-16, 2018 at London, UK
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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Call for Speakers!!

Want to make the #world know more about your #plant based #researches?? We make it possible now!! Present your researches in our #conference and we make the world to know your #name..We cordially invite Plant Genetics and Plant Science researchers to talk part in our conference. Know more about our conference at:
Email us for queries: |

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Plant Breeding- PLANT GENOMICS 2018 Conference

Plant Breeding is the process by which humans deliberately change the characteristics of plants overtime to make them better crops and more nourishing food.
Breeding consists of selecting the best plants in a given field, growing them to full seed and then using that seed to grow further generations.
Selective breeding changes the genetic composition of the plants over time. This leads to the formation of new plant which are disease, drought and pest resistant and this method of selective breeding improves the yield of crops.
To know more about Plant Breeding Techniques, Book your Slots now:
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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Plant Disease Development Stages.

Let us join hands on the upcoming Conference ” Plant Genomics 2018 ” to meet the global researchers in Plant Genetics and Plant Science to unleash the interesting facts about Plants!!
Book your slot to avail Early Bird Registration Offers:
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Submit your Abstracts :

Monday, May 14, 2018

CRISPR-Cas9- A powerful gene editing tool helps to produce disease resistance cocoa plant!!

We already know that reliable productivity from #cocoa plants is essential to the multibillion-dollar #chocolate industry, the economies of producing countries and the livelihoods of millions of smallholder cacoa farmers.

Recenty Western Africa is Suffering from disease that lead to the destruction of cocoa fruit yield as cocoa pods are very much persistence to fungal #diseases,so researchers have started concentrating on disease resistance and long time generation of cocoa trees.

CRISPR stands for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. It is a way to modify an organism's #genome by precisely delivering a #DNA-cutting enzyme, Cas9, to a targeted region of DNA. 

The researchers hypothesized that using CRISPR-Cas9 can knock out #fungal infection would result in enhanced disease resistance cocoa trees.

Story Source- Penn state

To more more interesting facts about Pathogeneticty of Plants, do join us in our Upcoming Conference on Plant Genomics 2018 hosted by Pulsus Conference On October 15-16, 2018 at London, UK

To know more information about conference, Visit :

Mail us for any queries:

Friday, May 11, 2018

Disease that wiped out thousands of citrus crops in Queensland detected in the Northern Territory!!

Citrus Crops are greatly affected by the disease known as "Citrus Canker". This disease causes lesions on leaves, stems and fruits of citrus tree including Lime, Oranges and Grapefruit.

Citrus canker destroyed more than half a million citrus tree in Queensland 14 years ago, and Citrus Australia warned the latest outbreak could impact trade.

It is believed three citrus plants sold from a Darwin nursery and three from a Palmerston nursery were infected with the contagious plant disease, which was uncovered last week.

The NSW Department of Primary Industry has enacted a control order banning all citrus from the Northern Territory, including plants, fruit and leaves.

Click here to know more about Plant Pathology!!-

Thursday, May 10, 2018

234-Year-Old Tree Has Impressively Stable Genome .

Genomic analysis of an oak tree that lived during Napoleon’s time supports the idea that plants somehow avoid the accumulation of mutations in their stem cells.

To know more interesting facts like this, Join us at World Congress on Plant Genomics and Plant Science scheduled at October 15-16, 2018 at London, UK

Do book your slot :
Email Us :

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Chance to meet Genetic experts on London,UK

PULSUS GROUP welcomes attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all over the world to attend and register for the “World Congress on Plant Genomics and Plant Science” which is going to be held during October 15-16, 2018 at London, UK.
At PULSUS Group, It is our ideology to bring maximum exposure to our attendees, so we make sure the event is a blend which covers professionals such as Bio-technologistMolecular BiologistsGenomics researchers, healthcare professionals from academia & industry making the PLANT GENOMICS 2018 conference a perfect platform.
Plant Genomics 2018 has been designed in an interdisciplinary manner with a multitude of tracks to choose from every segment and provides you with a unique opportunity to meet up with peers from both industry and academia and establish a scientific network between them. We cordially invite all concerned people to come join us at our event and make it successful by your participation.

5 days to go!! - World Congress on Plant Genomics and Plant Science

Mr. Jean Louis Nicolet  is going to be a Keynote Speaker for #PlantGenomics2018 Conference scheduled on October 15-16, 2018  at London, U...